


2024年6月科睿唯安发布期刊引证报告,计算方法为:2021与2022两年发表的文章在2023年的被引次数/2021与2022两年发表的文章总数。以下是SSCI中Management子类下期刊下影响因子排名:影响因子排名最高的期刊是Academy of Management Review。

1Academy of Management Review19.3Q1
2Journal of Innovation & Knowledge15.6Q1
3Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior14.3Q1
4Academy of Management Annals14.3Q1
5Business Strategy and the Environment12.5Q1
6Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management11.9Q1
7Journal of Business Logistics11.2Q1
9Tourism Management10.9Q1
10Journal of Supply Chain Management10.2Q1
11Journal of Product Innovation Management10.1Q1
12Academy of Management Journal9.5Q1
13Journal of Family Business Strategy9.5Q1
14Journal of Applied Psychology9.4Q1
15Journal of Management9.3Q1
16International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management9.1Q1
17Leadership Quarterly9.1Q1
18Harvard Business Review9.1Q1
19Organizational Research Methods8.9Q1
20Journal of Destination Marketing & Management8.9Q1
21Journal of Strategic Information Systems8.7Q1
22Journal of International Business Studies8.6Q1
23Administrative Science Quarterly8.3Q1
24Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management8.3Q1
25Information & Management8.2Q1
26Human Resource Management Review8.2Q1
27Supply Chain Management-An International Journal7.9Q1
28Journal of Service Management7.8Q1
29Industrial Marketing Management7.8Q1
30Review of Managerial Science7.8Q1
31Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management7.6Q1
32Research Policy7.5Q1
33European Management Journal7.5Q1
34International Journal of Management Reviews7.5Q1
35Service Industries Journal7.4Q1
36Long Range Planning7.4Q1
37International Journal of Project Management7.4Q1
38Journal of Enterprise Information Management7.4Q1
39European Journal of Information Systems7.3Q1
40Tourism Management Perspectives7.3Q1
41Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management7.3Q1
42Academy of Management Perspectives7.2Q1
43International Journal of Logistics Management7.2Q1
44International Journal of Operations & Production Management7.1Q1
45European Research On Management and Business Economics7.1Q1
46Electronic Markets7.1Q1
47Mis Quarterly7.0Q1
48Journal of Management Studies7.0Q1
49International Journal of Forecasting6.9Q1
50Operations Management Research6.9Q1
51Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management6.8Q1
52Omega-International Journal of Management Science6.7Q1
53R & D Management6.7Q1
54Journal of Knowledge Management6.6Q1
55Strategic Management Journal6.5Q1
56Small Business Economics6.5Q1
57Journal of Operations Management6.5Q1
58California Management Review6.3Q1
59Socio-Economic Planning Sciences6.2Q1
60Journal of Organizational Behavior6.2Q1
61Journal of Intellectual Capital6.2Q1
62International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal6.2Q1
63International Journal of Management Education6.0Q1
64Human Resource Management6.0Q1
65Journal of Management Information Systems5.9Q1
66Journal of International Management5.9Q1
67International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management5.9Q1
68Journal of Information Technology5.8Q1
69Information and Organization5.7Q1
70Global Strategy Journal5.7Q1
71International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management5.5Q1
72Human Resource Management Journal5.4Q1
73Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal5.4Q1
74Journal of Small Business Management5.3Q1
75Sustainability Accounting Management and Policy Journal5.2Q1
76Journal of Product and Brand Management5.2Q1
77Strategic Organization5.2Q1
78Project Management Journal5.1Q1
79Public Management Review5.0Q1
80Information Systems Research5.0Q1
81Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies5.0Q1
82European Journal of Innovation Management5.0Q1
83Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology4.9Q1
84Organization Studies4.9Q1
85International Journal of Human Resource Management4.9Q1
86Asia Pacific Journal of Management4.9Q1
87Organization Science4.9Q1
88Academy of Management Learning & Education4.8Q1
89M&Som-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management4.8Q1
90Personnel Psychology4.7Q1
91International Journal of Manpower4.6Q1
92Ieee Transactions On Engineering Management4.6Q1
93Management Science4.6Q1
94Journal of Technology Transfer4.6Q1
95Human Resource Development Review4.6Q1
96Corporate Governance-An International Review4.6Q1
97Human Relations4.5Q1
98New Technology Work and Employment4.5Q1
99International Journal of Logistics-Research and Applications4.5Q1
100British Journal of Management4.5Q1
101International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research4.5Q1
102Business Process Management Journal4.5Q1
103Journal of Competitiveness4.4Q2
104Service Business4.4Q2
105Academy of Management Discoveries4.3Q2
106International Small Business Journal-Researching Entrepreneurship4.3Q2
107Leadership & Organization Development Journal4.2Q2
108Organization & Environment4.2Q2
109Management Accounting Research4.2Q2
110Research In Transportation Business and Management4.1Q2
111International Journal of Accounting Information Systems4.1Q2
112Management Decision4.1Q2
113Journal of Management Inquiry4.1Q2
114Group & Organization Management4.0Q2
115Human Resource Development Quarterly4.0Q2
116Eurasian Business Review4.0Q2
117European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology4.0Q2
118Journal of Brand Management4.0Q2
119Mit Sloan Management Review4.0Q2
120Gender Work and Organization3.9Q2
121Journal of Responsible Innovation3.9Q2
122Organizational Psychology Review3.9Q2
123Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources3.9Q2
124Journal of Service Theory and Practice3.9Q2
125Management International Review3.9Q2
126International Journal of Lean Six Sigma3.8Q2
127Brq-Business Research Quarterly3.8Q2
128Journal of Nursing Management3.7Q2
129Sport Management Review3.7Q2
130Creativity and Innovation Management3.7Q2
131Electronic Commerce Research3.7Q2
132Journal of Engineering and Technology Management3.7Q2
133Journal of Organizational and End User Computing3.6Q2
134Group Decision and Negotiation3.6Q2
135Journal of Management Analytics3.6Q2
136Total Quality Management & Business Excellence3.6Q2
137Engineering Construction and Architectural Management3.6Q2
138Journal of Sport Management3.5Q2
139Journal of Marketing Management3.5Q2
140Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes3.4Q2
141Cornell Hospitality Quarterly3.4Q2
142Industry and Innovation3.4Q2
143Journal of Forecasting3.4Q2
144Career Development International3.4Q2
145European Management Review3.4Q2
146Innovation-Organization & Management3.4Q2
147Personnel Review3.3Q2
148German Journal of Human Resource Management3.3Q2
150Nonprofit Management & Leadership3.2Q2
151Knowledge Management Research & Practice3.2Q2
152Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management3.2Q2
153Journal of Management & Organization3.1Q2
154Journal of Managerial Psychology3.1Q2
155International Transactions In Operational Research3.1Q2
156Organizational Dynamics3.1Q2
157Research In Organizational Behavior3.1Q2
158Small Group Research3.0Q2
159Technology Analysis & Strategic Management2.9Q2
160Decision Sciences2.8Q2
161Managerial Auditing Journal2.8Q2
162International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management2.8Q2
163Industrial and Corporate Change2.8Q2
164Management Learning2.8Q2
165Employee Relations2.7Q2
166Work Aging and Retirement2.7Q2
167International Journal of Emerging Markets2.7Q2
168Journal of The Operational Research Society2.7Q2
169Journal of Organizational Change Management2.7Q2
170Management and Organization Review2.6Q3
171International Journal of Selection and Assessment2.6Q3
172Science and Public Policy2.6Q3
173Amfiteatru Economic2.6Q3
174Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management2.6Q3
175Managerial and Decision Economics2.5Q3
176Decision Analysis2.5Q3
177Baltic Journal of Management2.4Q3
178Gender In Management2.3Q3
179Journal of Applied Behavioral Science2.3Q3
180Information Technology & Management2.3Q3
181Qualitative Research In Accounting and Management2.3Q3
182International Journal of Managing Projects In Business2.3Q3
183Information Systems and E-Business Management2.3Q3
184Asian Business & Management2.2Q3
186Operations Research2.2Q3
187Journal of Organizational Behavior Management2.2Q3
188Australian Journal of Management2.0Q3
189International Journal of Strategic Property Management2.0Q3
190Scandinavian Journal of Management2.0Q3
191Asia Pacific Business Review2.0Q3
192Management Communication Quarterly1.9Q3
193Mis Quarterly Executive1.9Q3
194Ima Journal of Management Mathematics1.9Q3
195Computational Economics1.9Q3
196Cross Cultural & Strategic Management1.9Q3
197Chinese Management Studies1.9Q3
198Disaster Prevention and Management1.9Q3
199Service Science1.9Q3
200Engineering Management Journal1.9Q3
201Systems Research and Behavioral Science1.8Q3
202System Dynamics Review1.7Q3
203Science Technology and Society1.7Q3
204Research-Technology Management1.7Q3
205Action Research1.6Q3
206E & M Ekonomie A Management1.4Q3
207International Journal of Technology Management1.4Q3
208International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics1.4Q3
209Academia-Revista Latinoamericana De Administracion1.3Q3
210Journal of Economics & Management Strategy1.2Q4
211European Journal of International Management1.2Q4
212Culture and Organization1.2Q4
213South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences1.2Q4
214Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences1.2Q4
215Transportation Journal1.1Q4
216Informs Journal On Applied Analytics1.1Q4
217Systemic Practice and Action Research1.0Q4
218Engineering Economist1.0Q4
219South African Journal of Business Management0.9Q4
220Management & Organizational History0.8Q4
221Negotiation Journal0.8Q4
222Review of Industrial Organization0.8Q4
223Rbgn-Revista Brasileira De Gestao De Negocios0.7Q4
224International Journal of Arts Management0.6Q4
225Negotiation and Conflict Management Research0.5Q4
226Journal of East European Management Studies0.5Q4
227Rae-Revista De Administracao De Empresas0.5Q4
228Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung Und Praxis0.1Q4